You’ll need our bank details!
Our account number and sort code are 20324588 and 60-83-01. These make an amazing difference to the work that we do and allow us to plan our events and workshops throughout the year.
£7 a month: For the price of coffee and a cake, you will be making sure that one of our workshops is fully kitted out with pens, pencils and refreshments for each child.
£14 a month: Will enable a young person to take part in five workshops at Grimm & Co. This experience can make a real difference to a young person, as Noah’s mum shares, “My son said this day was the best day of his life, and I agree with him”.
£27 a month: This monthly donation enables ten children to have an individual writing workshop at Grimm & Co. This can improve a child’s confidence, skills and enthusiasm about writing and reading.
£53 pays for all the materials (paper, printing and binding) for a story making workshop.
£160 covers the cost for one child to take part in a week-long publishing project.
£400 covers the costs of a writing workshop for a group of 30.