Introducing… Sarah Shum!
Favourite book in the world ever written? I always struggle with this, errr, I’m going to go with The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Although actually, I think I maybe have to include the whole series – The Narnia Chronicles.
Last book you read? Soul Cravings by Erwin Raphael McManus. A very inspiring book!
A hitherto unknown fact about yourself? I have once done an activity weekend that included literally jumping off a cliff into the sea. In Carmarthenshire so it was a bit chilly.
What would your superpower be? I reckon that flying would be so cool, and teleportation would be very helpful.
What was your favourite subject at school? Maths (the algebra section – not so great at the spatial awareness), and of course, English Language. I was fascinated by the structure, the syntax, that sort of thing.
If you were a biscuit, what biscuit would you be and why? I would be a vintage choc chip cookie – the recipe that I got when I was young. Perfect to have with a glass of cold milk while the choc is still warm and melty. It’s because I like being able to make people smile.
Favourite colour? Cerulean blue!