Register to become
a volunteer

If you’re ready to join us as a volunteer, fill out the form  below and
we’ll be in touch very soon with dates for induction,
training and support.

What we ask of you as a volunteer:

  • That you have lots of enthusiasm and a drive to make a difference
  • You make a commitment to a minimum of 6 sessions of some kind within the first 6 months.
  • You support our mission and values.
  • All volunteers need to undertake the induction and will be buddied by another mentor in the first instance.
  • All volunteers need to have an up-to-date DBS certificate (see below).


In return (funding permitted) Grimm & Co will:

  • Reimburse travel and costs.
  • Provide free refreshments (and lunch if you are volunteering all day).
  • Provide training and support to help you to learn new skills.
  • Take you through, and fund your DBS (previously CRB) registration.
  • Make sure that Grimm & Co. is a fun place to work.  We take fun very seriously.
  • Value your time and commitment to us.
  • Put on opportunities to network with others, artists, writers and volunteers.
  • Hold regular, free social and celebratory events for you.
  • Support you to achieve personal goals.


    What role(s) are you interested in?

    Where did you hear about us?

    Thank you for completing this form.   We will be sending you an application pack by email, from the email address  Look out for this, and check your spam folder if it doesn’t arrive within 7 days.  We look forward to you joining us on our writing adventure.  See you soon!