Shhhh, we’re going quiet for a while…

Hello everyone,

We hope you are safe and well, and taking care of yourselves during these difficult times.

Since we closed the doors of the apothecary, a lot has happened, so we wanted to give you an update on life in the magical realms.

As we are unable to continue with our school workshops and creative writing programmes in the Writer’s Pad, we have looked into different ways of working with our children and helping them to engage with us creatively.  We understand that some children may find this time incredibly challenging, so we hope to offer a consistent and reliable presence and continue the work that we do.

For the next few weeks, we have taken the decision to focus all our attention on the work that we are able to do for and with our children and young people.  Our Creative Learning Managers are still working to provide bespoke, engaging and creative sessions using a range of mediums and new activities will be uploaded weekly.

With this in mind, we have added a new page to our website with a range of different creative activities, from quick micro stories and serious questions about the world (starting with, “If you were a breakfast food, what would you be and why?”), to more detailed programmes on Adventure Writing and Writing for Wellbeing.  We’d love you to get involved with these (no upper or lower age limits!).  These are also available on our social media pages.  Find out more here.

As a small charity, we are unable to keep going at full speed, so we are going to go a bit quiet for a while.  Please accept our apologies while we go into semi-hibernation mode as some of our staff are furloughed.  We will be back as soon as we can, and in the meantime, get creative with our writing challenges!

You may continue to place orders on our website, as this really helps us to keep going.  We will post these out to you as soon as we can, but this will not happen until we return to normality and lockdown is over.   Donations are always much appreciated too! 😉

We hope that we will be able to continue to answer queries, although responses will take longer than usual.  Please contact and we will do our best to respond when we can.

We look forward to welcoming you all back to us when all this is over.  Until then, please don’t forget us.  Take care.  Stay safe.  Believe in humans.