The words "Crafting for Wellbeing", surrounded by speech bubbles. The word "Crafting" is sewn onto aida material with a needle and thread. A pencil is drawing the word "Wellbeing".

Crafting For Wellbeing

In Spring 2023 Grimm & Co’s Saturday Clubs embarked on a Crafting for Wellbeing programme. The focus of the project was to improve young people’s resilience skills and have a positive impact on their overall wellbeing. Many of the writing tasks were self-reflective and focussed on what makes each individual amazing, staff and volunteers noticed an increase in confidence and self-esteem as the project progressed.

For many of the young people the craft skill of embroidery was a new one and they had to work hard to practise the new techniques they had learnt. However, their perseverance and the help they offered to their peers meant that every young person produced a positive affirmation embroidered piece. These were then framed and taken home by the group to encourage them when they are at home. 

After mastering the new crafting skill, the groups were able to create a new piece based on the question “What does Grimm & Co mean to you?”. These craft pieces have been turned into a Saturday Club banner by our volunteer, Rachael and will be displayed at Ship Hill. 

This project would not have been possible without the support of our fantastic volunteers Jane, Wendy and Daniel. We would also like to thank our funders:  Arts Council England and the National Lottery Community Fund.

Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "I am helpful every day".
Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "I Persevere".
Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "Stay Happy".
Young person grinning at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "We are all super". There are two people working in the background.
A young person holding up a journal with handwritten text.
Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn picture of a chilli pepper.
Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "I love VR".
Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "I am very chatty".
Young person smiling at the camera, holding a hand sewn sign that reads "I love Milo".