When we told the children and young people about our move to new premises, they had lots of questions. You probably have some too! Here are some of the questions they asked. Hopefully, this will answer some of your questions too. If not, feel free to ask if you have more questions for us!
Why are you moving?
We had the opportunity to move to a bigger, better space while remaining in the centre of Rotherham. We now own this building, rather than renting it.. Therefore we have more security and a place that we can call our own. There is a lot more space at the new premises, so we can do so much more and reach lots more children and young people. The new building has lots of other advantages too, including parking, accessibility and a tower for the dragons to land on.
Is it permanent?
Yes, as much as it can be! We are really lucky to have lots of support, and will do everything that we can to be around forever! As you know, Graham and Grizelda have been here with the shop since 1148, so we’re here to stay!
When can we come?
It will take us a while to Grimmify the building and make it ready for everyone to enjoy. Unfortunately, there are lots of things that are still unknown, partly due to the global pandemic, so we’re afraid that we can’t put a set deadline on this. We’ll keep you updated with everything that is happening, and as soon as we know a date when we can welcome you here safely, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, we have our shop and lots of creative writing activities online, and we hope to get out on the road. Our special BFG and ODD members will get exclusive access as soon as we can too.
Will parking be free or money money cash?
We hope that parking will be free for shoppers/people visiting the premises. There is also a bus stop right outside and coach drop off points for school visits. Disabled parking is also available across the road on the same level as the shop. Overall, there will be lots more available parking and we will be much more accessible.
With the outdoor space, are there going to be sessions outside during warmer days?
Full creative plans are yet to be unveiled, but we would like to be able to incorporate outdoor learning now that we have the space to be able to do that. Also, social distancing restrictions are lessened outside, so maybe we can look to do this in the future.
What kind of trips will there be?
Everything at Grimm & Co is still focussed on creative writing, and we will have lots more to offer. School groups will still be able to come and visit us, and we might be able to go out to communities as well. Families will be able to visit the bookshop, apothecary and cafe.
In addition, we will still look to take our workshop groups out on adventures wherever possible. Due to the restrictions placed on us by the government guidelines surrounding the pandemic, we’re not sure when this will be, but this is something that we’d like to continue as we did previously.
Will it open or be done before the end of quarantine?
No, we’re afraid not. The renovation process will be quite lengthy and the quarantine has caused delays to this. Government guidelines are changing all the time so we’ll keep our eyes on these and keep reviewing the guidelines, in order to open as safely as possible when it is time to do so. This is one of the benefits of moving into a bigger premises, so that we will have more space and options regarding social distancing.
Is it going to be the same?
It will be the same but different! All the things you love about Grimm & Co will come with us, which is why we asked you about what you’d like to see. We will be bigger and better, but we’ll still be Grimm, with the same people, products, ambience and magic. Now we also have the opportunity to make lots of improvements that you asked for as well!
Will there be less potions (soap, candles, merchandise)?
No, we will continue to have a full range of wild schemes, evil plots, kitchenware, potions, spells, notebooks, human disguises… We will have a bookshop and edible/drinkable potions at a cafe, as well as all these traditional potions that you’re used to. If you don’t want to wait for that, you can still buy things online, and we may also be going on the road in the coming months. Watch this space!
Will the proposed cafe and shop be separate or together?
The shop will look like the apothecary that you’re used to, but there will be one big space with the cafe in there too.
What things are we going to put on the menu?
What are you serving in the cafe?
We haven’t decided on the menu yet, but you can count on a range of delicious food and hot/cold drinks with a magical twist. In the usual Grimm way, we will still be asking customers to look out for any strange ingredients and side effects! Wouldn’t want anyone to go away with twitchy eyeballs and sweaty teeth, for example.
Later down the line, it would be great if we could get your opinions about what you’d like to see. Maybe we could hold a competition to design a menu item (with magical ingredients, side effects, what humans would call it etc).
Will there be a portal?
There will be many secret entrances, doors, and portals to different dimensions all over the building. We are doing our best to be as accessible as possible for all beings, magical or otherwise.
Will there be a dust corner?
We think that where Graham is concerned, there will always be a dust corner. All of you long-term visitors are likely to find lots of references to our history and backstory, including a dust corner and Graham’s office. Keep your eyes peeled when we reopen to see what you can find!
Will all the original staff come back?
All the Grimm staff and volunteers are still here behind the scenes, working their magic while we are invisible. We should all be here when you return, and there may even be some new additions to introduce you to!
How big is the beanstalk going to be?
We are hoping that a new beanstalk will grow in our new home, but it may be bigger than the old one was. The entrances and exits to transport you and our magical customers between dimensions are so important. We think you’ll be impressed by both the new and old portals that you will see on your return.
Will the writing space be similar to the one now?
As with all things concerning our move to the new Grimm & Co, things may look a little different to what you’re used to, but hopefully the space will be even better than before! We’re taking all of your suggestions on board when thinking about the design of the writing spaces. We will do our best to preserve the things you loved about the old space too.
Will Grimm & Co have the same magical theme?
We will still be magical! We’ve discovered a new chapter to Graham Grimm’s story, so there will be new things to discover! Grimm & Co will still have an Apothecary to the Magical, so that all the magical beings in the area can come and do their shopping. We can’t just send all the giants to Tesco, you know! There will be even more of a focus on the power of stories and storytelling in our brand new bookshop, cafe and performance space. In the true spirit of Grimm it will all be wonderfully magical and we can’t wait to welcome you.
Will Josephine still be there?
Josephine is safe and well. She is enjoying travels in the magical underwater realms while things are getting back to normal in the mortal world. Don’t worry, Josephine will take up residence in the new Grimm & Co when she returns from her adventures!
If you have any other questions, just e-mail Louise on grimmapothecary@gmail.com.