Showcasing 6 films, produced by professional film makers.
Scripts written by 15 children and young people at Grimm & Co. See film credits for details.
Sit back and enjoy… popcorn optional.
The Wacky Way Home
Lucifer, a giant swamp leaf, thinks his prayers have been answered when he meets Gear, a robot, outside a toy shop in Rotherham. Lucifer needs to get back to his swamp and Gear can help him – if they can find a new 3G chip. But someone else has other plans for Gear…
Written by the children of Grimm & Co,
Produced by Seventy1 Digital
The Lamb, The Bat & The Ugly
Belle, a lamp, gets the opportunity of a lifetime when Helena, a bat, offers to take her out of the cheese factory she calls home. But the road to her new life of adventure is fraught with peril, as Belle quickly discovers.
Written by the children of Grimm & Co,
Produced by Madaan Media
Lost & Found
The arrival of Orange Bill, a carrot, on the doorstep of Draglet, a partially-hatched dragon, seems at first to be nothing more than a lucky coincidence. But the two characters have much more in common than it may first appear, as a third mysterious character can confirm…
Written by the children of Grimm & Co,
Produced by Nick Padley
What I Wanted in Space
Miso Star, a space panda, receives an unexpected visitor when Vi Lou, a coconut cup, crash lands on their planet. But could Vi Lou be the key to solving a mystery that has troubled Miso Star for years?
Written by the children of Grimm & Co,
Made by Jennifer Sheridan
Boulder Cataways
(Bigger, Better, Boulder)
Touka, a cat, and Burney Badger, a boulder, strike up an unlikely friendship in their joint
quest to escape a tropical island.
Written by the children of Grimm & Co,
Made by ECP Video Production
Beach Break