The Story Unfolds:
In the 21-22 academic year, Grimm & Co delivered sessions both online and in a pop-up space at Gulliver’s Valley before settling into our temporary home at Linger Longer Lane, in central Rotherham. We have worked with a wide range of schools, community organisations and artists to produce intriguing workshops, jam-packed festivals and arts-based residencies in education settings.
In our Schools programme, we worked with 1,252 children and young people in 27 school projects, including Chapter and Verse, Spoken Word Power and Who’s your Neighbour.
We also welcomed 1,992 children and young people from 37 schools (across 3 counties), to take part in 76 writing workshops.
Our out-of-schools programme grew last year, with a new family learning programme running alongside our sessions for 7-18 year olds. We worked with 143 children and young people aged between 7-18 years, across 16 writing programmes, resulting in 1723 creative experiences and 22 professional outputs. You can view this work in our shop of on our Showcase page.
We also ran sessions with under-7’s and families, ranging from stories and sensory play to music and art.
Read the full story here.
As this report is published, we are starting to move into our new and permanent home, The Emporium of Stories. It has taken over two years of Blood, Sweat and Tears (available to purchase in the shop). We cannot wait to welcome the people of Rotherham, and beyond, to our story destination! We are working in collaboration with Lumsden. They are supporting us in bringing our ambitious vision to life with a design that will ignite and inspire even the grumpiest troll. (Trolls are actually very friendly, this is one of many misconceptions).
Next year, we invite you to venture into a place like you’ve never seen before, with more learning spaces, more gym equipment for your imaginations, a place to fill your stomach in the Feastery, a place to fill your boots in the Apothecary, a place that is safe and welcoming to all, where children and young people can celebrate being themselves and feel empowered in their own creative abilities. Oh, and there’ll also be an overgrown beanstalk too. Watch this space for more details!