Through a series of writing activities and exercises, Grimm & Co will work with you to explore the world around us and the thoughts and feelings we are experiencing internally.
Try one of our sessions! Whether you’re 7 or 77, just have a go! Our free writing activities are suitable for all, and we hope they help.
It may help you to self-regulate, meditate on the present and be mindful of the emotions you are experiencing. It’s all about being accepting of and feeling comfortable with all of our feelings, the positive stuff, and the complex. Above all, be kind to yourself.
If you feel like you need further support, please talk to a trusted adult or visit one of the many different charities who are there to help:
Childline. Childline offers advice and support around your mental health, and can also be contacted by telephone on 0800 1111.
Mind, mental health charity for all ages.
Samaritans, offering support to those in distress. Can also be contacted by telephone on 116 123.
Rotherhive provides mental health and wellbeing information, support and advice for adults in Rotherham.
Hub of Hope, a mental health database showing services available across the UK.
International Women’s Day 2024
Join us for this writing activity to celebrate International Women’s Day – the time of year when we make a special effort to celebrate the achievements of women all over the world and learn about women’s history. We’ve got a little writing task for the day, which works with the theme for international women’s day this year, which is ‘inspire inclusion’.
Watch the video or read the written instructions here.
Nice Nice Nice
Sometimes we have to make a conscious effort to notice the positive things in life, and the more we take notice of positive things, the more we see. Think of it like flexing a muscle in your brain that helps you to see the nice things in your life and the great things that you do every day. To take part, press play or read on here…
Writing for wellbeing
This relaxed writing activity aims to give you a few moments of calm and self-reflection – and to help you write a poem along the way, too!
For full instructions, press play or read on…
When I think of…
A quiet, reflective writing practice, including meditative techniques, to help explore the emotions we’ve been feeling today. For full instructions, press play or read on…
Personal talismans
What are ‘personal talismans’, and why are they important? Find out in this reflective exercise, which is intended to offer some comfort and reassurance whilst exercising your imagination (and maybe the imaginations of other people in your house, too!). For full instructions, press play or read on here…
The Thing that makes me Calm
This creative writing exercise explores objects; one object in particular to be exact. Through figurative language, we compartmentalise the sentimentality we place on objects and how they can help us. For full instructions, press play or read on…
The … Box
Not being able to go out and do things that you’d like to be doing can be frustrating, and it’s important that you look after yourself. It’s also okay to feel a bit down sometimes or bored, and these feelings are all understandable and valid. At Grimm & Co, we’re hoping this activity will allow you to create a bank of thoughts, ideas and tips to help and support you and the people around you through this time. For full instructions, press play or read on here…
Sense mapping
An interactive writing activity that will help you re-explore and rediscover the spaces around you by using your senses! For full instructions, press play or read on here…
Happiness Journalists
Become a good news journalist by discovering and reporting on what makes you and the people around you happy! For full instructions, press play or read on here…
World Book Night 2022 – tell us about your perfect book nook
To celebrate World Book Night 2022, we are asking you to think about your perfect book nook. Where would you like to read? Draw or write about where you would like to read. What would it look like? What would it smell like?
Letters to your younger self
“I will not be erased” is a collection of letters written by people of colour addressing their younger selves. We’ve created a short writing activity inspired by these truly incredible letters to the writers’ younger self. Although this book is for older readers (age 16+), that doesn’t mean that young writers can’t have a go at writing to their past self at any age they like. Watch the video or read the full written instructions here.
Good news reporting
Create your own Good News Report. Start by writing this down and then record it if you want. We want to hear about ANYTHING good or positive happening in your world AND the magical world! For full instructions, press play or read on here…
We hope you found our ‘writing for wellbeing’ activities helpful. To find out more about our other writing challenges, click on the button below.
If you’d like to hear more about our writing workshops and magical happenings, sign up to the mailing list here.