30 Grimm Days:
30 Grimm Days is a series of thirty bite-sized creative activities put together by the Grimm & Co team. We hope that these activities are lots of fun to do – and we hope that they don’t make you feel under any pressure! We’ll be adding more each week so you can build up to the full 30 days.
You can do as many or as few of these activities as you like. If you
miss days, skip activities you don’t like, do activities in the “wrong”
order, or take longer than thirty days to do them, that’s all completely
fine! The main thing is that you’re enjoying yourself and being creative.
If you’d like to share any of your creations, we’d love to see them! Send them in to info@grimmandco.co.uk, or tag us on social media (@GrimmAndCo).
Welcome to Days 1-5 of our 30 Grimm Days. We’d love you to create an ‘emotion tree’ to capture and reflect on your feelings over the next thirty days. Watch the video, or read the written instructions here.
Welcome to days 6-10 of our 30 Grimm Days. Watch the video to find out more, or read the written instructions here.
Welcome to days 11 and 12 of our 30 Grimm Days, where you can go on a scavenger hunt and take a trip to Japan (sort of). Watch the video or read the written instructions here.
Welcome to day 13 of our 30 Grimm Days. Click here for the written instructions.
In days 14 and 15 of 30 Grimm Days, we do some songwriting, and create incredible (and possibly somewhat weird) alter egos! Watch and listen to the video, or read the written instructions here.
Here we are in days 16-21. During these six days, we explore how pictures can be used to be in the present moment, we set a challenge for you and your household, and we reflect on our personality traits and emotions, as well as reaching out to family and friends. Watch the video or click here for the written instructions.
We’re already on days 22 – 27! In this instalment of 30 Grimm Days, Gem takes you through secret identities, claimed lands, book making, spontaneous stories and much more! Watch the video or read the written instructions here.
It’s the final three days of 30 Grimm Days, and here we make famous moments out of tiny things, reclaim the world as an animal, and make lists, lists and more lists! Watch the video or read the written instructions here.
We hope you’ve enjoyed your 30 Grimm Days. To find out more about our other writing challenges, click on the sections below and have a go! You can also see more about our out of school workshops here. Alternatively, if you’re a teacher who’d like to bring a school group, click here.
To hear about more writing workshops and magical happenings, sign up to our mailing list here.